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sAsB sCsD sEsF sGsH sIsJ sKsL sMsN sOsP sQsR sSsT sUsV sWsX sYsZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
circle scales & plants 1
jago grahak jago +scales 14
khara SONA +scales & circle 3
law house +scales & triangl 45
mandi SAHAB +scales & oval 45
music notes in all scales 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40
narsapuri +scales & flags 34
supreme +scales 29, 30, 31, 32, 43
v VIVALDI +scales 24, 25
vs +scales 30
woman & scales 42, 45
insect & scalf 24
UTTHUNGA scaling new height 9, 41, 42, 45
FIAMA DI WILLS scalp diet 3
FIAMA DI WILLS scalp rejuve 3
FIAMA DI WILLS scalp repair 3
KEPREE scalp stimulant 3
PARACHUTE advansed scalp 3
SEMOP scalp 5
CLASSIC scampi feed +prawn 31
scan electronic +circle 9
AKKI scan 10
FIBRE scan 9
HEPA-scan 10
INTELLI-scan bp monitor 10
KRUPA medi scan +arrow 10
PREGNY-scan 10
hi scan +triangle 42
hi scan +triangles 16
scandin +oval 20
scandinavian +square 41
NEROLAC color scapes +tiger 2
MEHTA'S no scar cream +woma 5
scarecrow 5
THE VIL'AGE +scarecrow 42
KANZ scarf india +woman 24
MEGHNA head scarf +women 25
VOGUE scarves & stoles 16, 25, 35
scc TIP-TOP +chef & oval 30
scd-60 9
JA scenario +square 25
scenery 34
TEAVILLE +scenery 42
southern COMFORT +scenery 33
ALOK scent batti 3
CINTHOL scent fresh 3
GA BIKAJI scent batti +woma 3
scent 3
JOVAN sport scent 3
KISAN scent agarbatti +oval 3
LOKESH scent batti +woman 3
MAHAVIR scent bathi 3
MAYUR scent batti +peacock 3
NAKODA scent agarbatti +ova 3
SHIV POOJA scent agarbatti 3
TIRANGA scent bathi 3
flora scent +flower 3
scented +square 5
scented GOA khaini GT&T +ma 31
scented SUNO supari +oval 31
ADARSH scented babi sounff 30
APOLLO scented supari 34
BABA ladies scented combs 21
BANSHIDHAR scented deliciou 30
BASANT scented dhoop 3
BIJLI scented khaini +woman 34
BVR sandal scented +elephan 3
DHAMAAL scented supari 31
DOUBLE BOTAL scented snuff 34
FANTOOSH scented phenyle 5
GANGOUR scented supari 31
GOKUL sandal scented powder 3
KANHA scented gulal +god 2
KISMAT scented supari +star 31
KUBER scented supari 31
M.S. SUPERB scented khaini 34
MAZA JOY scented supari 31
NANDAN scented gulal +god 2
P.R. no.1 scented supari 31
PALKI scented khaini +man 34
PARIMAL scented supari 31
PARIVAR scented supari 31
PICNIC scented supari +arro 31
PURU scented khaini +man 34
RADHA KRISHNA sounf scented 31
RAJU supari kesar scented 31
RAVI scented supari 31
SAAJAN scented khaini +woma 34
SHAMBHU khaini scented +man 34
SHANTI scented khaini +crow 34
SHUBHAM scented agarbatti 3
SOFTY scented supari 31
SRI GANPATI scented khaini 35
SUNNY supari keser scented 31
TARA scented khaini +stars 34
TWINKLE scented betel nuts 31
UDHAYAM scented supari 31
V-1 scented tobacco 34
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